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Powering Payments for the Gaming Industry

We specialize in providing gaming industry solutions, connecting businesses worldwide to the perfect financial service provider

Classification and Challenges of Online Gaming

Online gaming and gambling businesses are all coded under 7995 by both Visa and MasterCard and therefore, the listed countries that ban gambling will automatically block users trying to process payments using this code, as it falls outside of local law.

Challenges Faced by Gambling Card Processing Providers

Overcoming Challenges

In the high-risk online gambling industry, businesses face challenges due to their high-volume turnover and offshore operations, which have historically been associated with money laundering and fraud. However, securing a merchant account is still possible with specialist high-risk providers.

One Stop Solutions for All Your Problems

For a successful gaming application, providers typically require six months of transaction history, a business plan, and the relevant gambling license. To mitigate risk, we recommend having multiple merchant accounts. This ensures uninterrupted card payments even if one provider serves notice. With a selection of partnering banks, we support newer gaming companies and offer cost-saving solutions for established ones. We can assist in gaming card processing in the following areas:

Simplify Your Accepting Payments Today

Experience hassle-free gaming payment solutions with us. From seamless transactions to expert guidance, we’ve got you covered. Join our platform today and let’s grow your gaming business.